Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

wait .. wait ... waaaaaiiitttttttt !!!!!
before korang jump to the conclusion saying I'm out of my mind - "Nadiah dah gila sebab ngat hari ney Mother's Day" biar ku cter dulu .

YES !! Happy Mother's Day !!!
I wrote it on paper and post it to my mom just now . With some souvenir . Ku lupa nak take picture ; a shoes and a novel .

Ku nak cita sket tyme ku beli novel cuz it the fffiiirrsstttt tyme and last . FULLSTOPS .  I never going to buy any of that . Sebab ia for eeewwwww group . Information eeewwwww is stand for jiwang karat mengikut kamus Nadiah . Tajuknya SEPI TANPA CINTA . Okay, ku rasa  mual skunk . nway, thx to someone suggested me this novel .

About the shoes, I'm kinda went out at night  ; with someone-I-never-crossed-in-mind-to-walk-with . I trusted dia and dia kind of gentleman .Thanks to him, carried my things all the way "Takpa, biar nama dirahsiakan bawakan." ;) sweet ! yeah, thats I mentioned my mother called me that tyme ? . and I was freaking out !!! I don't want to tell the whole story and you really don't want to know . yup, he knew my feeling and gave me this ;

 Note; never went out at night again . haha

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hari neyh, ku banyak membaca. bukan buku pelajaran, okay. tapi baca blog yg korang tulis. dalam beberapa blog 2, da yg buatku t'tarik dan t'jeles. sebab apa? sebab benda yg ku nak semu diorg dapat. errrgghh ! damn, I'm sooo jealous here !!

antaranya; tawaran . yaaaa, sebab ku dicampak ke s.p.a neyh be4 ku habeh pspm kat matrik. maka memang xdpt twrn lar. ngeng, sgt kuciwa sebab ku nak smbung dlm bidg laen bukn hospitality.


  1. to Miss Lyla, I'm really glad u can continue with something worth =. I hope u can further u study aboard. huhu, gonna miss you.
  2. to Adli, yeah, u make me soo damn jealous cuz my ambition WAS to take Photographer and Art- something lyke that before I got stuck here. So, don;t waste ur chance. Errrggghhh, I hate you lar !!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Book Everywhere !!

I just bought dozens of book. hope can disappear from this college, go to somewhere quiet wit my books. Urrgghh, can't wait to finish my exam. Ku nak baca komik ! komik !

well, novelsssss too. I'm not jiwang-karat gurl but I think I need something more "real" than "imagination". Shit that ! Life is suck ! but full of memories when you fill it wit something u love . Take that, huh !

see that things . didn't see ? just open ur eyes big-big lar. McD !!! yup, I ate that things this evening and my gaster a.k.a perut suda penuh . Angkara makhluk yg b'nama Nadiah Dalilah b'jaya memujuk Am, Ste-mek and Supee si Monyet ke Book Fair maka port kami b'akhir di sini sbb hujan lebats sesangat!

See this girl ? cute, right. she's the reason I spend about 100 bucks on books today. She is The Kaoru. Okay, maybe too much. but she is really incredible artist - art not singer or whatever crazy people doing on stage. She did her work very excellent, I know that cuz I read all her artwork dude ! So, she also the reason I wanted to stay at KL this weekend. She will turun padang at PWTC for autograph. Fufufu, can't wait to see her. Cool !!

Note;  sleepy~

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tragedy !

Okay, ku mungkin careless, clumsy, tapi kalu dah sampai tahap nak kena langgar keta sampai errm 3 kali tue mungkin dah bahaya sangat. Kalau tak diselamatkan oleh someone, memang ku dah jadi topik panas dalam Metro. serius, xlawak. Thanks to Am for saved my life several time. and marah ku sebab xrety lintas jalan (0,o")

And ucapan wish untuk ku sebab exam sumatif suda makin dekat tapi blajanya xjugak. "Ibu, I miss you food!"
Cuti 3 hari ngadap buku jelar or I can go to somewhere. haha, no lar. blaja3!! like I care  ;p

Biology, I hate you and I don't freaking care if you don't like me too. and my allowance akan keluar mencurah2 memandangkan pesta buku dok dekat ja ngan ku . sure, I will spend my money on it . hoho !

Note; I love bookksss !!

Friday, April 22, 2011

getting to hate you! yes you!

Yeah !!! I'm getting annoy, angry, irritated with your snobbish group .
If you do hate me, kept it yourself and don't show it. Pehal, minah ! Ku da buat apa3 kat engkau ke??!!
Okay, mungkin ada tapi please lar weyh . Cakap je terus terang, "Nadiah, ku xsuka kat engkau sebab ney, ney, ney..." Paling kurang pon ku marah r korang balik. Napa, u think u're an angel. Ku pon xcakap yang ku ney malaikat turun dari langit tapi at least ku tahu apa itu JAGA PERASAAN, kan . Ngong !!!

And one more think, ku paling xsuka org yg NAMPAK jujur tapi perangai macam setan. Oppsss, sorry tapi dah engkau tikam belakang ku DEPAN mata ku sendiri. Engkau ngat senang3 ku nak BUAT TAK TAHU ja. Doe~ku pon da hati, jantung dan organ3 yang lain sama macam engkau. I TRUSTED you but you BETRAYED me. Time tue ku nak sumpah seranah pon xbley t engkau kata ku pompuan xada adab plak.

Ku dah lama tahan ngan korg semua tau. Tired, yeah I'm tired holding this unpleasant feeling. My head screaming so hard, I can't barely understand with you lar. Okay, kalu pasal budak laki yg selalu tgur ku and engkau buat muka sila-hilangkan-diri-engkau kat ku, ku memang dah buat cam2 . Guess what, everytime bdk laki tu senyum or tegur ku, ku buat xtahu. Because I heard you like him, I don't know but I think its best to distance myself. Ku dah buat cam2, okay so please lar senyum sket bila tengok ku. Kalu xsuka pon, buat2 lah suka sebab ku pon hate you lar.

Sekarang the person, ku memang dah pangkah habisan pnyer . Muahahaha, ku suda naik tanduk dkt sini. No one I trust and I held, "ONLY TRUST YOURSELF". and for those two person I'm trust only little not more than 1 molecule, I hope you enjoy my company. sioottttt, memang bangang korg dua dpt budk cam ku jadi kwn korg.

nway, blog ney akan jadi tempat ku lepaskan geram untuk beberapa hari . maybe sebab hormon estrogen ku dah mula meningkat kot. at least, I'm pay attention on Biology's class. okay lar, chow bedah !!

Note; you're unlucky girls sebab sekali ku tak suka seseorg sampai bila3 ku tak suka !

Monday, April 18, 2011


One time, at a certain place. A single prisoner fell in love with someone beyond the fence. It's so painful as he robbed by the freedom and suffered enough. "There is a difference between you and dirty me." The prisoner said.

They wrote a letter, folding the paper plane in order to send them over the wall to each others. He never know her name neither she know. 

"I'll be free someday." The prisoner wrote. Given the girl a promise that he knew that's only a lie. He wished, " If I had you, whatever the lies there were. I felt that they all could come true."

"Come here and speak with me." He said but its only can be heard by himself. The prisoner never can convey his thought. However, looking a her, made his little happiness, saving for tomorrow.

Since then, the paper plane have been his little joy. But, suddenly the girl informed him that she going to go somewhere, so far away. "Bye-bye." He said. While in agony, until the day of his life there hasn't been a day where he cried that much.

One day, the higher rank of the prison came to his cell and ripped all the plane paper the prisoner's lover gave him. It's made him so mad and over his control, he punched the officer. And cried so much.

"Finally you time is come." They said. He walked into the closed cell, he could see anything except the pained voice rebound through the dark room. I'm can't call out for you, chase after you or even leave. I'm unable to.

Nearby weeds,
whirling in darkness,
A beautiful flower blooms,
We lived in different worlds,
But I desperately stretched out my hand. 

"Please, if this is the end. Let me speak with the girl." The prisoner hoped. His chest and breathing all in pain.

to be continued ...

Note; song- Prisoner

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dreamy Cherry Blossom.

A girl walking passed a boulevard. She just came after a party when she saw a boy playing a violin under the cherry blossom tree and fell in love with him at the first sight. She was a daughter of a millionaire and supposed to be marry in two weeks later with someone else beside will have a happy life with luxury after her. While the boy, only a violinist that lost his whole family due to earthquake. He has been take care by bureaucrat since then. The daughter of the bureaucrat fell in love with him too.

As the boy wanted the girl to happy with her husband-to-be, he let go her. His loves towards her so strong and didn't want her to suffer if she choose him. Bottling up his emotion, he let her go, even after he knew her, she made his word still hopeful.

"Please take me away." The girl said.

"Don't worry, I still play the violin here tomorrow."The boy answered. And then the girl left. She never cried so much after then.

"Please let me dream a dream of a endless world that never ends." The boy said as he watched she walked away and never come back afterwards.

His song, her song, their song synchronized in empty night. The wind faded the violinist song, a song of Dreamy Cherry Blossom.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The first kiss teated like tears
Like love in dramas
As if it was just waiting for the right time, the
departure bell

A chilly winter wind brushes my cheek
With a blown breath I rubbed both hands

The city is lighted by an illumination, as if
magicaly casted
Naked boulevard trees twinkle

I just couldn't say it
My feelings I kept it down
This is what I've been deciding, so
It's alright

I won't look back, so

Thank you GOOD-BYE
A bittersweet unrequited love
If I stop moving now, I might remember our past


Thank you GOOD-BYE
I won't cry and all, so
The moment I thought that, softly

Snow began to fall flowingly
When I touched it, it dissolved and

A boulevard that continues to the station
A couple that nestles close. Appear cheerful
"Hey look, it's the first snow of the season!"
 I wanted to be like that with you

I made it for the first time
A hand-made muffler
What could I have done to hand it to you?
A coward, I was just scared
If it's going to become memories
I can do along with this?
Is that true?

Thank you GOOD-BYE
Someday the time like this will come
I knew that, right?

Thank you GOOD-BYE?
My body's trembling
When the train is coming in any minute
It's now
Troubling me

"I want us to connect"
 How much did I desire that
And my hand is empty

 Hey, this is what we call GOOD-BYE?
 I have to go
 I know that
 I know that you are sweet too


 "... Please let this hand go"
I'm happy that we met
I love you

Thank you GOOD-BYE
I can't say a single word
Just for a moment, give me the courage to

 "Hey, umm..."
The lips that were about to speak
The distance to you was 0
... Can I cry, just for this moment?
There's no need for words anymore
Please, keep holding me tightly

Be this time next year
What sort of me will exist
What sort of you will existe...
I wonder

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm going to be an OTAKU !!

Says; I don't even care if you say I'm an Otaku because I'm really love this errrmm not anime but they're some singer . A COMPUTER PROGRAM !! VOCALOID

Yes I'm telling the true and their song has very interesting story line .
My fav are Kagamine Len & Rin .
What interesting about them ?

Kagami means mirror
Ne  means voice
Len means Left (male)
Rin means Right (female)

Okay, I like them as lover than as twin . Well I lyke that part too when they're saying that they're some errmmm incest - Google it if you don't know !
Nope, for me Len & Rin just mirroring each other . I'm not sick person thinking siblings can marry each other even I love both them as lover and twin . God, my brain need to be wash someday !!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm guess I'm an addicted right now . Not wit drug but wit sumthing else .
Dont jump to the conclusion when I'm saying that I'm fell in love sony vegas, cs5 after effect and kawasan yg sama waktu dengannya !!!



if you want to join this "drug" wit me, I'm glad to hear it . I give u the link !

Evolution After Effect;

Monday, April 4, 2011


nampak x ? e2 lar mood saya sekarang .
Kenapa yek ?

Sebab saya xtahu yg ada tarian mlm neyh jadi skunk kakak tu da marah sama saya .
Sebab markah PB saya untuk kimia sangat teruk .
Sebab saya sangat penat dan asyik3 marah org saja .

Note; 1. jgn dtg lmbt kalu nak adakan tarian .
          2. jgn bgitahu markah aku kalu aku xtanya doe !
          3. sedang melakukan aktiviti xb'faedah .

Sunday, April 3, 2011

call me crazy or anything lyke that if you lyke cuz I'm really doing something over my mind .

saya baru balik dari Kedah . thats not the main point really cuz I'm went there cuz I miss nasi kerabu blok b . /peace\ . I swear !

2115 - board at KL Sentral
0530 - landed at Sungai Petani Kedah .
0845 - safe arrived at KMK .
2200 - going to Shahab Perdana .
2330 - in the Sani's bus .
0530 - properly at KL .
0700 - on my bed !

if you think I'm still crazy . let me shout this .